Talks & PanelsFree

Monolinguals vs. multilinguals: who wins?

Does comparing monolinguals and bilinguals really matter? Professor Antonella Sorace explores this and more in this thought-provoking talk.

Scotland’s younger generation is becoming increasingly linguistically diverse, with Scottish Schools Census data from 2018 indicating that 6.5% of school pupils in Scotland learned English as an additional language.

Yet, despite living in an increasingly globalised and ever-changing world, our societies still harbour many misconceptions about what it means to be bi/multilingual. From prejudices about the impact on childhood development of learning multiple languages to considering language learning as a magic bullet for national development, perceptions of bi/multilingualism are largely oversimplified and need to be challenged, and language diversity should be championed!

In this talk, Professor Antonella Sorace will show why comparing monolinguals and bilinguals doesn’t make much sense and why we should all regard ourselves as bilingual in one way or another.

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